

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

20 But he shall turn aside to the right, because he shall be hungry, and shall eat from the left, and shall not be satisfied: eating (every) man the flesh of his [brother's] arm.

21 For Manasseh shall eat of Ephraim, and Ephraim of Manasseh; for together shall they besiege Judah. For all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is still upraised.

X. 1 Woe to them that write wickedness; for they write, and write wickedness,

2 Perverting the cause of beggars, and robbing the poor among my people of their judgment, so that the widow serveth them for spoil, and the fatherless for plunder.

3 And what will they do in the day of their visitation? for the affliction come on you from far; and to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory,

4 That it fall not into captivity? And they shall fall under the slain. For all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is still upraised.

5 Ah, for the Assyrians; the rod of my wrath and of anger (is) in their hands.

6 I dorsend mine anger against a transgressing nation, and to my. people will I give a charge to take spoils and plunder, and to tread down the cities and turn them to a dust cloud.

[*](19. ‘has the whole land been ’ ℵBQ.)[*](20 fin. So A only: ‘his (own) arm,’ B &c.)[*](2. Omit ‘and’ before ‘robbing,’ B.)[*](4. BQ* &c. omit ‘And they shall fall under the slain.’ (Hexaplaric?) Here B changes the ’for ‘wrath.’)[*](5. ‘and my anger is’..., B.)[*](6 init. So A: ‘I will send.’ B &c.)

7 But he himself thought not thus, and not thus hath he considered in his heart; but his mind shall change, even to destroy nations not a few.

8 And if they say unto him, Thou alone art ruler,

9 Then shall he say, Did I not take the country above Babylon, and Calno, where the tower was built? and I took Arabia, and Damascus, and Samaria:

10 Like as I took these in my hand, I will also take all the - countries. Wail, ye graven images in Jerusalem and in Samaria:

11 For like as I did to Samaria and the works of her hands, so also will I do to Jerusalem and her idols.

12 And it shall be, when the Lord hath made an end of doing all things in the mount Zion and in Jerusalem, he shall turn (his hand) against the mighty mind, against the ruler of the Assyrians, and upon the uplifting of the glory of his eyes.

13 For he said, By my strength will I do it, and <by wisdom of my prudence> will I remove the boundaries of and will plunder their strength.

14 And I will Shake inhabited cities, and the whole world will I seize with my hand like a nest, and like eggs that are left will I take them up; and there is none that shall escape me, or can gainsay me.

15 Shall an axe be glorified, apart from him that smiteth with it? or shall a saw be uplifted, apart from him that driveth it? as if one should lift a rod or staff, and not thus?

16 But the Lord of Hosts shall send dishonour upon thine honour, and burning fire shall burn against thy glory.

17 And-the light of Israel shall be as a fire, and he shall sanctify it in burning fire, and shall devour the wood as grass,

[*](9. Cf. ix. IO: Gen. xi. 4, x. 10)[*](10. Prob.= ‘with my hand’: so ℵA; omit, BQ &c. BQ mg.)[*](13. ’s reading is confused: perhaps intended for ‘by the prudence of my wisdm.’)[*](14. A’s reading strictly stands for ‘escape arfar a: concern: me’ (dat.).)[*](17. ‘for a fire,’ ℵBQ. ‘sanctify him,’ B &c.)

18 In that day the mountains and the forests and the hills shall be blotted out, and he shall devour them from the soul to the flesh; and he that fleeth shall be as he that fleeth from burning flame: