

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

22 And shall look unto the earth beneath; and behold, affiction and straitening and darkness, strait dismay and darkness that they see not.

And he that is in straitness shall not be dismayed until a season.

IX. 1 Drink this first, do it quickly, country of Zabulon, land of Naphthali, by the way of the sea, and the rest that dwell by the sea shore and across Jordan, Galilee of the nations, the parts of Judah.

2 people that sittest in darkness, see ye a great light; ye that dwell in the land and in the shadow of death, a light shall shine upon you.

3 The most part of the people, which thou broughtest back in thy joy, shall even joy before thee as they that joy in harvest, and like as they joy that divide spoils.

4 For the yoke that lay upon them shall be taken away, and the rod that was upon their neck; for the Lord hath scattered in pieces the rod of the exactors, as in the day that was upon Midian.

5 For every garment collected with guile, and cloke with reconciling shall they repay, and they shall be willing, if they had been burnt with fire.

6 For a child is born unto us, a son also is given unto us, upon whose shoulder was the government; and he shall call his name Messenger of great counsel [Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty, Powerful, Prince of Peace, Father of the Age to come]: for I will bring peace upon the rulers, peace and health to him.

[*](1. Gr. diff. widely from Heb. and may be corrupt. Possibly orig. some- what as follows: οὐκ ἀπορηθήσεται ὁ ἐν στενοχωρίᾳ ἔως [ὠς? τοῦ?] καιροῦ ταχὺ, ἔπειτα ταχὺ ποιεῖ χώρᾶ Ζ. &c., giving an awkward word for word of the Heb. From this point cf. Matt. iv. 15, 16. οἱ λοιποὶ and κατοικοῦντες are perhaps additions, and τὴν παραλίων a duplicate of ὁδὸν θαλάσσης. MSS. vary, B omits ‘by the way of the sea,’ ‘that dwell;’ (originally) ‘the parts of Judah.’)[*](2. ‘sittest’: ‘walkest,’ RBQ: text Α 34 49 106 109 301: omit ‘and,’ ℵ*B.)[*](4. ‘has been taken,’ ℵB: ‘for he hath ’ B (omit ’the Lord’).)[*](5. Or ‘and they shall wish that they had been’...)[*](6. Omit ‘also,’ B. ‘his name is called,’ ℵBO. ‘Wonderful.’ &c.: inserted by Α, ℵcaV 91 97 106 ἃς. and Luc. MSS. in slightly varying (so Aq. Theod. Symm. also): omit ‘peace,6 ℵ*B (after ‘rulers’).)

7 Great is his rule, and of his peace there is no limit, upon the throne of David, and his kingdom, to order it and to take hold upon it in righteousness and in judgment from henceforth and for ever; the jealousy of the Lord of hosts will do this.

8 The Lord sent death upon Jacob, and it came upon Israel.

9 And they shall learn, all the people of Ephraim and they that sit in Samaria, saying, in pride and uplifted heart,

10 The bricks are fallen, but come, let us hew stones; and let us cut down sycamines and cedars, and build ourselves a tower.

11 And God will smite them that rise up against mount Zion against them, and will. scatter their enemies,

12 Syria from the sunrising, and the Greeks from the sunsetting; them that devour Israel with open mouth. For all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is still upraised.

13 And the people turned not back until it was smitten, and they sought not out the Lord.

14 And the Lord hath taken away from Israel head and tail, great and small, in one day; an elder, and respecters of persons; this is the beginning,

15 And a prophet that teacheth transgressions; he is the tail.

16 And they that call this people happy shall be causing them to err, and they cause them to err, that they may swallow them up.

17 Therefore God shall not rejoice over the young men, and on their fatherless and widows shall he not have mercy; for they are all transgressors and wicked, and every mouth ’peaketh unjustly. For all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is still upraised.

[*](7. ‘in judgment and in ’ B.)[*](8. ℵ reads ‘a word.’ with about eight cursives, for ‘death’ (Heb. letters are ’the same): so Theod. Symm.: Aquila has a diff. Gk word.)[*](10 fin. Language suggests a reminiscence of Gen. xi. 4.)[*](11. ‘against mount Z. against ’ ℵcBQ: the enemies (i.e. His?)’ BQ.)[*](12. Lit. ‘with the whole ’ (so Heb.).)[*](13. ‘turned not to ’ B.)[*](16. ‘call... ’ same Heb. word (or letters) as ‘lead.’ See iii. 12.)[*](17 init; ‘Therefore the Lord...’ B. ’over their young men.’ B &c.)

18 And their. transgression shall burn as a fire, and shall be devoured by fire like dry grass; and it shall burn in the thickets of the forest, and shall eat up all that is round about the bills:

19 Because of the wrath of the anger of the Lord shall the whole land be burned up, and the people shall be as though utterly burned by fire. A man shall not pity his brother,