

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

19 And they that are left from them shall be few, and a little child shall write them.

20 And it shall be in that day, no longer shall the remnant of Israel be added, and they that are saved of Jacob shall no more put their trust in them that did them wrong, but they shall put their trust in God, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. 2; And the remnant of Jacob shall be toward the mighty God.

22 And if the people of Israel become as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved; for (he is) fulfilling a word and cutting it short in righteousness,

23 Because God shall perform a word (that is) cut short, in the whole world.

24 Therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts, Fear not, my people, ye that dwell in Zion, because of the Assyrians; for with a rod shall he smite thee; for I bring a stroke upon thee, that thou mayest see the way of Egypt.

25 For yet a little, and the anger shall cease; but my wrath is against their counsel.

26 And God shall stir (a stroke) against them, according to the stroke of Midian, in a place of affliction; and his wrath (shall be) at the way by the sea, toward the way by Egypt.

27 And it shall be in that day, the fear of him shall be taken away from thee, and his yoke from 03 thy shoulder, and his yoke shall be destroyed from off your shoulders.

28 For he shall come to the city of Aiath,

[*](18. ‘hills and the forests,’ ℵBQ.)[*](19. ‘few’: lit. ‘a number': so the Heb., in which this sense is frequent. Cf. ii. 7.)[*](22. ‘the remnant of them,’ ℵBQmg. Omit ‘for (he is),’ B.)[*](22, 23. ‘word’ often=‘thing’ in Heb., and Gk of Ο.Τ. imitates this.)

29 And shall pass over to Megiddo, and at Michmash shall he set down his baggage; and he shall pass over a valley, and shall come to Aiath; fear shall seize on Ramah, the city of Saul.

30 The daughter of Gallim shall flee: one shall hear at 83, I shall hear at Anathoth:

31 Madmenah shrank away, and the dwellers in Gebir.

32 Encourage her to day in the way to stay, encourage with the hand the hill, the daughter of Zion, and ye hills that are in Jerusalem.

33 For behold, the ruler, the Lord of Hosts, confoundeth the glorious ones with might, and they that are uplifted in insolence shall be crushed, and the uplifted ones shall be humbled

34 by the sword, and Lebanon with his uplifted ones shal fall.

XI. 1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a blossom shall come up from his root.

2 And there shall rest upon him a spirit of God, a spirit of wisdom and understanding, a spirit of counsel and might, a spirit of knowledge and-of reverence;

3 A spirit of the fear of God shall fill him; he shall not judge according to the seeming, nor convict according to report,

4 But he shall judge judgment for the humble, and shall convict the humble ones of the earth, and shall smite the earth with the word of his mouth, and with the breath through his lips shall he slay the impious man:

5 And he shall be girded with righteousness about his loins, and bound with truth about ’his sides.