

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

2 And make faithful men my witnesses, Uriah, and Zechariah, the son of Berechiah.

3 And he went in unto the prophetess; and she conceived, and bare a son. And the Lord said to me, Call his name Quickly spoil, speedily plunder:

[*](20. B reads ‘the razor that is ’ uss. vary much in detail. ‘Hired’ arid ‘drunken’ are somewhat alike in Greek, and differ in Heb. only by ABBREVand ABBREN in the root. Cf. xxviii. 1, 3 (converse difference).)[*](22. ‘giving,’ lit. ‘making.’ Many MSS. read ‘drinking’ (omitting one letter).)[*](23. ‘barren land’ c. See chap. v. 6.)[*](25. Omit ‘and’ before ‘fear’ ℵB. ‘be for...’ perhaps=‘turn to’ land).)[*](1. ‘a leaf...sheet.’ So Α 90 109 144 239 (26 301 nearly): B omits as do Lucianic cursives, with. 41 106 and a few others, but make adjectives agree with ‘leaf.’)[*](3 init. ‘And Ι went.’)

4 For before the child learn to call father or mother, (one) shall take the power of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria before the king of the Assyrians.

5 And the Lord spake further unto me yet,

6 Because this people desire not the water of Siloam which goeth quietly, but desire to have ’n and the son of Remaliah for king over you:

7 Therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth upon you the ’s water, that is strong and mighty, the king of the Assyrians and his glory; and he shall go up upon every valley of yours, and walk about upon every wall of yours.

8 And he shall take away from Judah (any) man who shall be able to raise the head, if it be possible to accomplish aught: and his camp shall be #x003C;so as to fill> the Wide spaces of thy God (is) with us.

9. Learn, ye nations, and be overcome: ye shall hearken, unto the end of the earth; when ye are waxed strong, be overcome; I or if ye wax strong again, ye shall be overcome again.

10 And whatsoever counsel ye take, the Lord shall scatter it: and whatsoever word ye speak, it shall not abide for you; for the LOrd God is with us.

11 Thus saith the Lord God, With the strong hand do they dispute the passage of the way of this people, saying,

12 Never speak ye stubbornly; for all that this people speaketh is stubborn; but fear ye not the fear of it, nor be confounded:

13 Sanctify the Lord himself; and he himself shall be your Fear.

[*](8. ‘or able to accomplish’ B &c. Α omits. ‘so as to fill’ ‘breadth’ (sing.) for ‘wide ’ (plur.) B &c.)[*](9. ‘learn,’ change of letter ABBREVfor ABBREN of Heb., whose meaning is uncertain. ‘Hearken’ (imperat.) ℵB.)[*](10 ‘for you,’ omit ℵQΓ. fin. ‘for God is with us’ B)[*](11. ‘Thus saith the Lord, With...’ ℵBO &c. Text A 26.)[*](12. B has ‘Let them never speak,’ or. ‘Lest haply they speak’.... Stubborn,’ ‘stubbornly,’ reading ABBREN for ABBREN ‘fear ye not,’ or, ‘ye shall fear’ (more usual meaning of this construction in late Greek).)

14 And if thou hast trusted ’in him, he shall be for a sanctuary to thee; and ye shall not come upon him as a stumbling block of a stone, nor as an offence of a rock. But the house of Jacob (is) in a snare, and men that sit in Jerusalem in a hollow.

15 Therefore shall many among them be powerless, and shall fall, and shall be crushed; and men that are in safety shall draw near, and shall be taken.

16 Then shall they be manifest, who seal up the law, that they should learn.

17 And he shall say, I will wait for God, that hath turned his face from the house of Jacob, and will have my trust in him.

18 Behold me, and the children which God hath given me. And they shall be for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of Hosts, who dwelleth in the mount Zion.

19 And if they say unto you, Seek ye them that speak from the earth, and the ventriloquists, the babblers that talk from the belly: is it not a nation with its God? Why are they to seek out the dead concerning the living?

20 For he hath given them a law for their help: that they may speak not as this word, concerning which there is no giving of gifts.

21 And there shall come upon you cruel famine; and it shall be, when ye hunger, ye shall be grieved, and shall revile your ruler, and your country's (laws); and they shall look up to the heaven above,