

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

6 And the wolf shall graze with the lamb, and the leopard shall rest with the kid, and the calf and the bull and the lion shall graze together, and a little child shall lead them.

7 And the ox and the bear shall graze together, and their young ones shall graze together, and they shall eat chaff together the lion and the ox.

8 And a young child shall lay his hand over the hole of asps, and on the lair of the offspring of asps.

9 And they shall not do evil, neither shall they be able to destroy any upon my holy mountain; for the whole (earth) is filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as much water covereth seas.

10 And in that day shall be the root of Jesse, and he that standeth up to rule over nations; in him shall nations hope. And his rest shall be honour.

11 And it shall be in that day, the Lord shall again show his hand to be jealous for the remnant which is left of the people, whatever be left from the Assyrians, and from Egypt, and Babylonia, and Ethiopia, and from the Elamites, and from the rising up of the sun, and from Arabia.

12 And he shall lift up a signal toward the nations, and shall bring together them that are. perished of Israel, and them that are scattered of Judah shall he bring together from the four corners of the earth.

13 And the yoke of Ephraim shall be taken away, and the enemies of Judah shall perish; Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not afflict Ephraim.

14 And they shall fly in ’ ships; they shall plunder the sea together, and them from the rising of the sun, and Edom; and upon Moab first shall they lay their hands, and the children of Ammon shall be first to obey them.

[*](7. ‘young ones shall be tohryhrt,’ B: ‘eat chaff, the lion as the ox,’ B.)[*](8.‘holes,’ B.)[*](9. Or, ‘to cover seas.’ the whole =the world, cf. ii. xxvii. 13 (B); Nah. i. 5.)[*](11. ‘be jealous ’ apparently a confusion with the nearly similar Heb. verb ‘to purchase,’ ‘acquire.’ So ℵcaAQ; ‘by the Assyrians,’ ℵ1 vid B.)[*](23. ‘yoke,’ .A 106: ‘jealousy,’ other MSS.)[*](14. ‘fly,’ irregular verbal form, as though from root of verb ‘spread.’ Cf. Habakkuk i. 8.)

15 And the Lord shall make the sea of Egypt desolate, and shall lay his hand upon the river with a mighty wind, and shall smite seven channels, so that he go over (dry) shod,

16 And there shall be a way for my people that are left in Egypt; and it shall be to Israel as the day when he came out of the land of Egypt.

XII. 1 And thou shalt in that day, I will praise thee, Ο Lord, because thou wast angry with me, and didst turn away thy wrath, and pitiedst me.

2 Behold, my God is my Saviour, I will trust in him, and will not be afraid; for the Lord is my glory and my praise, and he is become my salvation.

3 And ye shall draw water with joy out of the fountains of salvation.

4 And thou shalt say in that day, Praise the Lord, cry his name aloud, proclaim his glorious deeds among the nations; make mention that his name is exalted.

5 Praise the name of the Lord, for he hath done exalted deeds; proclaim this in all the earth.

6 Exult and rejoice, ye that dwell in Zion: for the Holy One of Israel is exalted in the midst of thee.

XIII. 1 Vision which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw against Bab lon.

2 Lift ye up a signal on a mountain in a plain, upraise your voice to them, be] not afraid: encourage (them) in heart: open, ye rulers.

[*](15 fin. Lit. ‘in sandals.’)[*](16. 80 A: ‘way through,’ ‘passage,’ B &c.)[*](1. ‘I praise thee,’ ℵ*B)[*](6 fin. So RAQ 26 41 49 106 233: ‘of her,’ B, &c.)[*](2. ‘a mount, in a plain’: or perhaps, ‘a flat-topped mountain.’ ‘be not afraid.’ B. ‘in heart’: so A alone: other MSS. ‘with the hand.’)

3 Ι marshal them, even I; they are sanctified, and I lead them; giants come to fulfil my wrath, rejoicing and proud together.