The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

And for your former transgression there shall be remission if you keep my commandments, and all men shall obtain a remission, if they keep these commandments of mine and walk in this purity.

Be, said he, long-suffering[*](The translation of μακροθυμία and ὀξυχολία is difficult. Μακροθυμία is a little more than long suffering and almost equals courage. ὀξυχολία is a rare word, literally quickness to wrath, but this phrase does not convey in English the bad sense which Hermas obviously implies.) and prudent and[*](Long-suffering) you shall have power over all evil deeds and shalt do all righteousness.

For if you are courageous the Holy Spirit which dwells in you will be pure, not obscured by another evil spirit, but will dwell at large and rejoice and be glad with the body in which it dwells, and will serve God in great cheerfulness, having well-being in itself.

But if any[*](Against ill temper) ill temper enter, at once the Holy Spirit, which is delicate, is oppressed, finding the place impure, and

seeks to depart out of the place, for it is choked by the evil spirit, having no room to serve the Lord as it will, but is contaminated by the bitterness. For the Lord dwells in long-suffering and the devil dwells in ill temper.

If therefore, both spirits dwell in the same place it is unprofitable and evil for that man in whom they dwell.