The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

But when evening came I wished to go home but they did not let me go, but kept me, and I stayed the night with them and slept by the tower.

For the maidens spread their linen tunics on the ground, and they made me lie down in the midst of them, and they did nothing else but pray, and I also prayed with

them unceasingly and not less than they, and the maidens rejoiced when I was praying thus, and I stayed there until the morrow until the second hour with the maidens.

Then the shepherd came and said to the maidens: Have you done him any despite? Ask him, said they. I said to him: Sir, I rejoiced at remaining with them. On what, said he, did you sup? I supped, Sir, said I, on the words of the Lord the whole night. Did they receive you well? said he, Yes, Sir, said I.

Now-, said he, what do you wish to hear first? Even as, Sir, said I, you showed me from the beginning; I ask you, Sir, to declare things to me even as I ask them of you. Even as you desire, said he, so I will interpret to you, and hide from you nothing at all.

First of all, Sir, said I, tell me this: What is the rock and the door? This rock and the[*](The explanation of the parable) door, said he, is the Son of God. How is it, said I, Sir, that the rock is old, but the gate is new? Listen, said he, and understand, foolish man.

The Son of God is older than all his creation, so that he was the counsellor of his Creation to the Father, therefore the rock is also old.But why is the gate new, Sir? said I.

Because, said he, He was manifested in the last days of the end[*](The Greek means the consummation, the time when this age or world-period is finished, and a new age will begin. (Cf. Mt. 13,40.))

of the world, for this reason the gate is new, that those who are to be saved may enter, through it into the kingdom of God.

Do you see, said he, the stones which entered through the gate, were put into the building of the tower, but those which did not enter through it were put back again into their own place? I see, Sir, said I. So, said he, no man shall enter into the Kingdom of God, except he take his holy name.