The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

But I took him by his wallet, and began to adjure him by the Lord to explain to me what he had shown me. He said to me: I am busy for a little and then I will explain everything to you. Wait for me here till I come.

I said to him: Sir, what shall I do here alone? You are not alone, he said, for these maidens are here with you. Give me then, said I, into their charge. The shepherd called them and said to them: I entrust him to you till I come, and he went away.

And I was alone with the maidens, and they were merry and gracious towards me, especially the four more glorious of them.

The maidens said to me: To-day the shepherd is not coming here. What then, said I, shall I[*](Hermas stays with the Maidens) do? Wait for him, said they, until the evening, and if he come he will speak with you; and if he come not you shall remain here with us until he come.

I said to them: I will wait for him till evening, but if he come not I will go away home and return in the morning. But they answered and said to me: You were given to our charge; you cannot go away from us.

Where shall I stay then? said I. You shall sleep with us, said they, as a brother and not as a husband, for you are our brother and for the future we are going to live with you, for we love you greatly. But I was ashamed to stay with them.

And she who seemed to be the first of them began to kiss and embrace me, and the others seeing her embracing me began to kiss me themselves, and to lead me round the tower, and to play with me.

I, too, had, as it were, become young again, and began to play with them myself, for some were dancing, others were gavotting, others were singing, and I walked in silence with them round the tower, and was merry with them.