

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

5 This one shall say, I am God's, and this shall speak in the name of Jacob; and another writeth, I am God's; upon the name of Israel.

6 Thus saith God, the King of Israel, and his deliverer, God of Hosts; I am first, and I am hereafter; except me there is no God.

7 Who is as I am? let him stand, let him call, and make ready for me, since I made man for everlasting; and let them declare to you the coming things before they come.

8 Hide not yourselves; did ye not give ear from the beginning, and I declared it to you? ye are witnesses, whether there be a God beside me; and they were not, at that time.

9 They that mould images, and that grave, are all of them vain; they that make their own delights, which shall not help them; but they shall be ashamed,

10 All they that mould a god, and grave unprofitable things:

11 And all are withered from whence they sprang, and (are) dumb from among men; let them all be gathered together, and they shall stand together, let them be turned backward and be ashamed together.

[*](5. ‘cry aloud in the name of ’ ℵBQ. ‘shall write,’ ℵ0 BQ: ‘with his hand,’ B. ‘upon the name of Is. shall he also cry,’)[*](6. ‘Thus saith the King of Israel’)[*](7. ‘stand, and call, and declare, and make ready...’ B.)[*](8. ‘Hide not yourselves, neither go astray’)[*](8 fin. ‘heard not, at that time’)[*](9. ‘are all of them vain things,’ ℵ*B: ‘making,’)[*](10. ‘They that mould and grave a god are all of them unprof. things,’)[*](11. Omit ‘they shall’)

12 For the craftsman sharpeneth iron, with an adze he fashioneth it, and boreth it with a gimlet, worketh it with the arm of his strength; and he shall be hungry, and shall be faint, and not drink water: