Seven Against Thebes


Aeschylus, Volume 1. Smyth, Herbert Weir, translator. London; New York: William Heinemann; G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1922.

  1. Almighty Zeus, turn your missile against the enemy!
  1. O Zeus, what a breed you have made for us in women!
  1. A breed steeped in misery, just like men whose city is captured.
  1. Why are your words ill-omened, when you still grasp the gods’ statues?
  1. In my weakness fear controls my tongue.
  1. If only you would grant my plea for a small service.
  1. Please state it as quickly as possible, and I will quickly know what to do.
  1. Be silent, wretched woman; do not terrify your own men.
  1. I am silent. I will suffer what is destined together with the others.
  1. I welcome this sentiment of yours over what you said before.
  2. And in addition, keep your distance from the gods’ images and make a stronger prayer, that the gods fight on our side. And once you have heard my prayers, then sing the victory song, the sacred cry of joy and goodwill, our Greek ritual of shouting in tribute,
  3. that brings courage to our friends and dissolves fear of the enemy. And now Here Eteocles makes his vow. to the gods who guard our city’s land, both those who dwell in the plain and those who watch over its meeting-place, to Dirce’s springs and the waters of Ismenus, I vow that, if things go well and the city is saved,
  4. the citizens shall redden the gods’ altars with the blood of sheep and sacrifice bulls to the gods—this is my vow—and offer trophies, while I will crown their holy temples with the spoil of the enemy’s spear-pierced garments.
  5. Make this kind of prayer to the gods, without your previous lamentation, nor with wild and useless panting; for you will not escape your destiny any the more. As for me, I will go station six men, with me as the seventh, as champions to oppose the enemy in proud fashion
  6. at the seven exits in the wall, even before speedy messengers or swift-rushing reports arrive and inflame us with urgent need. Exit.
  1. I heed him, but through terror my heart finds no repose.
  2. Anxieties border upon my heart and kindle my fear of the army surrounding our walls, as a trembling dove fears for her children in the nest because of snakes that are dangerous bed-fellows.
  3. For against our fortifications some are advancing with all their men, all in formation. Ah, what will become of me? Others are hurling jagged boulders
  4. at the citizens on all sides. O Gods born of Zeus, by every means rescue our city and people, sprung from Cadmus!
  1. What more fertile plain will you find in place of ours,