

Xenophon, creator; Xenophon in Seven Volumes Vol 5-6; Miller, Walter, 1864-1949, editor, translator

He himself halted the rest of the army there, so that they might make what preparations he considered necessary before they were in too close quarters. And he gave the word to take luncheon first and then to remain at their posts and be on the watch for orders.

So, when they had eaten, he summoned together the commanders of the cavalry, the infantry, and the chariot corps, and also the officers in charge of the engines, of the baggage train, and of the wagons, and they came.

And[*](Cyrus gets information about the enemy) those who made the raid into the plain had captured some people and now brought them in; and the prisoners, when cross-questioned by Cyrus, said that they were from the camp and had come out after fodder, passing out beyond their advanced guards, while others had gone after fuel; for by reason of the vast numbers of their army, everything was scarce.

On hearing this, Cyrus asked: How far from here is your army? About two parasangs, they replied. Was there any talk about us over there? Cyrus then asked.Yes, by Zeus, they answered, a great deal, and to the effect that you were already close upon us in your advance. Tell me, then, said Cyrus, were they glad when they heard we were coming? This question he asked for the benefit of the bystanders. No, by Zeus, they answered; they were not glad in the least, but were rather very much troubled.

And what are they doing now? asked Cyrus. They are being marshalled in battle array, they answered; and yesterday and the day before they were doing the same. And the marshal, said Cyrus, who is he?Croesus himself, they replied, and with him a Greek and some one else—a Mede; the latter, however, was said to be a deserter from your side. Grant, O Zeus almighty, said Cyrus, that it be mine to get hold of him, as I desire!

Then he ordered the prisoners to be led away,[*](The enemy reconnoitres) and turned to the bystanders as if to say something. But at that moment another messenger came from the captain of the scouts with word that a large body of cavalry was within sight on the plain. And we presume, he added, that they are coming with the intention of reconnoitring the army here. And we have good reasons for the suspicion, for at a considerable distance in advance of this company about thirty other horsemen are riding forward; as a matter of fact, they are riding in the direction of our party, aiming perhaps, if possible, to get possession of our look-out point; and we who are holding this particular point are only ten in number.

So Cyrus ordered a detachment of the horsemen who formed his body-guard to ride up to the foot of the place of look-out and to remain quiet there out of sight of the enemy. But, he added, when our ten leave the look-out place, rush up and attack the enemy as they come up it. But that the horsemen of the large battalion may not bring you to grief, do you, Hystaspas, said he to that officer, take your regiment of cavalry, go out against them, and show yourself over against the enemy’s battalion. But do not by any means allow yourself to pursue into places that you do not know, but when you have made sure that the look-out stations remain in your possession, come back. And if any ride toward you, holding up their right hands, receive them as friends.

Accordingly, Hystaspas went away and donned[*](Araspas returns) his armour; the men from Cyrus’s body-guard rode off at once, as he had ordered. And just within the picket line there met them, with his attendants, the man who had been sent some time since as a spy, the guardian of the lady of Susa.

So when Cyrus heard this, he sprang up from his seat, went to meet him, and welcomed him cordially; and the rest, knowing nothing of the facts, were naturally astonished at his actions until Cyrus said: My friends, here has come a man most loyal; for now all the world must know at once what he has done. He went away not because his disgrace was too great for him to bear, nor because he feared my displeasure, but because I sent him to discover for us the exact condition of the enemy and to report to us the true state of affairs.

And now, Araspas, I have not forgotten what I promised you, and I will fulfil it, and all these men shall help me; for it is only right, my friends, that you also should all honour him as a valiant man. For, for our general good, he has risked his life and borne the stigma that was put upon him.

Then all embraced Araspas and gave him a hearty welcome. But Cyrus, remarking that there had been enough of that, added, Tell us, Araspas, what it is of the first importance for us to know; and do not detract anything from the truth nor underrate the real strength of the enemy. For it is better for us to think it greater and find it less than to hear that it is less and find it really more formidable.

Aye said Araspas, but I did take steps to[*](He delivers his report) get the most accurate information about the size of their army; for I was present in person and helped to draw it up in battle order. And so, said Cyrus, you are acquainted not only with their numbers but also with their order of battle. Yes, by Zeus, answered Araspas, I am; and I know also how they are planning to conduct the battle. Good said Cyrus; still, tell us first, in round numbers, how many of them there are.

Well, he replied, with the exception of[*](The enemy’s order of battle) the Egyptians, they are all drawn up thirty deep, both foot and horse, and their front extends about forty stadia; for I took especial pains to find out how much space they covered.[*](The stadium is 600 feet; the ancient soldier was normally allowed 3 feet. That makes a front of 200 men per stadium, 8,000 for the entire front. That means, as they stood 30 deep, 240,000 in the army, and with the Egyptians 360,000.)

And how are the Egyptians drawn up? asked Cyrus; for you said with the exception of the Egyptians. The brigadier-generals drew them up—each one ten thousand men, a hundred square; for this, they said, was their manner of arranging their order of battle at home. And Croesus consented to their being so drawn up, but very reluctantly, for he wished to outflank your army as much as possible. And what is his object in doing that, pray? asked Cyrus. In order, by Zeus, he replied, to surround you with the part that extends beyond your line. Well said Cyrus, they may have an opportunity to find out whether the surrounders may not be surrounded.

Now we have heard from you what it is of the first importance for us to learn. And you,[*](Cyrus outlines his order of battle) my men, must carry out the following programme: when you leave me, look at once to your own accoutrement and that of your horses; for often, for want of a trifle, man or horse or chariot becomes useless. And early to-morrow morning, during the time that I shall be sacrificing, first you must all breakfast, both men and horses, so that we may not fail in anything that it may be of importance for us to do in any exigency. And then do you, Arsamas, said he,...and you Chrysantas take charge of the right wing, as you always have done, and the rest of you brigadier-generals take the posts you now have. When the race is on, it is not the time for any chariot to change horses. So instruct your captains and lieutenants to form a line with each separate platoon two deep. Now each platoon contained twenty-four men.

And do you think, Cyrus, said one of the generals, that drawn up with lines so shallow we shall be a match for so deep a phalanx? When phalanxes are too deep to reach the enemy with weapons, answered Cyrus, how do you think they can either hurt their enemy or help their friends?

For my part, I would rather have these[*](He explains the advantages of his plan) hoplites who are arranged in columns a hundred deep drawn up ten thousand deep; for in that case we should have very few to fight against. According to the depth that I shall give my line of battle, I think I shall bring the entire line into action and make it everywhere mutually helpful.

I shall bring up the spearmen immediately behind the heavy-armed troops, and the bowmen immediately behind the spearmen; for why should any one put in the front ranks those who themselves acknowledge that they could never withstand the shock of battle in a hand-to-hand encounter? But with the heavy-armed troops as a shield in front of them, they will stand their ground; and the one division with their spears, the other with their arrows will rain destruction upon the enemy, over the heads of all the lines in front. And whatever harm any one does to the enemy, in all this he obviously lightens the task of his comrades.

Behind all the rest I shall station the so-called rear-guard of veteran reserves. For just as a house, without a strong foundation or without the things that make a roof, is good for nothing, so likewise a phalanx is good for nothing, unless both front and rear are composed of valiant men.

Do you, therefore, take your positions as I direct, and you also, the officers of the light-armed troops, bring up your platoons immediately behind them, and you, the officers of the archery, fall in, in the same way, directly behind the light-armed troops.