

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

But he answered: “Lord, I came to you to ask about my speech; but you talk of other matters, things impossible to do; you tell me to plant a colony in Libya [17,25] (nation), AfricaLibya; where shall I get the power or strength of hand for it?” Battus spoke thus, but as the god would not give him another oracle and kept answering as before, he departed while the priestess was still speaking, and went away to +Thera [25.433,36.4] (island), Cyclades, Aegean Islands, Greece, Europe Thera.

But afterward things turned out badly for Battus and the rest of the Theraeans; and when, ignorant of the cause of their misfortunes, they sent to Delphi [22.5167,38.4917] (Perseus) Delphi to ask about their present ills,

the priestess declared that they would fare better if they helped Battus plant a colony at Shahhat [21.866,32.833] (inhabited place), Al Jabal al Akhdar, Libya, AfricaCyrene in Libya [17,25] (nation), AfricaLibya. Then the Theraeans sent Battus with two fifty-oared ships; these sailed to Libya [17,25] (nation), AfricaLibya, but, not knowing what else to do, presently returned to +Thera [25.433,36.4] (island), Cyclades, Aegean Islands, Greece, Europe Thera.

There, the Theraeans shot at them as they came to land and would not let the ship put in, telling them to sail back; which they did under constraint of necessity, and planted a colony on an island off the Libyan coast called (as I have said already) Platea. This island is said to be as big as the city of Shahhat [21.866,32.833] (inhabited place), Al Jabal al Akhdar, Libya, AfricaCyrene is now.