Homer’s Epigrams


Homer. Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. Evelyn-White, Hugh G. (Hugh Gerard), editor. London: William Heinmann; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1914.

  1. Also may I avenge me on the wretch who deceived me
  2. and grieved Zeus the lord of guests and his own guest-table.
  1. Queen Earth, all bounteous giver of honey-hearted wealth,
  2. how kindly, it seems, you are to some,
  3. and how intractable and rough for those with whom you are angry.
  1. Sailors, who rove the seas and whom a hateful fate has made as
  2. the shy sea-fowl, living an unenviable life,
  3. observe the reverence due to Zeus who rules on high, the god of strangers;
  4. for terrible is the vengeance of this god afterwards for whosoever has sinned.
  1. Strangers, a contrary wind has caught you:
  2. but even now take me aboard and you shall make your voyage.
  1. Another sort of pine shall bear a better fruit[*](The better fruit is apparently the iron smelted out in fires of pine-wood.)
  2. than you upon the heights of furrowed, windy Ida.