Homer’s Epigrams


Homer. Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. Evelyn-White, Hugh G. (Hugh Gerard), editor. London: William Heinmann; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1914.

  1. Yet I will endure the lot which heaven gave me even at my birth,
  2. bearing my disappointment with a patient heart.
  3. My dear limbs yearn not to stay in the sacred streets
  4. of Cyme, but rather my great heart urges me
  5. to go unto another country, small though I am.
  1. Thestorides, full many things there are that mortals cannot sound;
  2. but there is nothing more unfathomable than the heart of man.
  1. Hear me, Poseidon, strong shaker of the earth,
  2. ruler of wide-spread, tawny Helicon!
  3. Give a fair wind and sight of safe return
  4. to the shipmen who speed and govern this ship.
  5. And grant that when I come to the nether slopes of towering Mimas
  6. I may find honorable, god-fearing men.