Iphigenia in Aulis


Euripides. The Plays of Euripides, Translated into English Prose from the Text of Paley. Vol. II. Coleridge, Edward P., translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1891.

  1. to set it in a blaze, his body cased in a suit of golden mail forged by Hephaestus, a gift from his goddess-mother, from Thetis who bore him.
  2. Then the gods shed a blessing on the marriage of the high-born bride, who was first of Nereus’ daughters, and on the wedding of Peleus.
  1. But the Argives will crown you,[*](i.e,, Iphigenia.) wreathing the lovely tresses of your hair, like a pure, dappled[*](Reading βαλιὰν for γ᾽ ἁλιᾶν with Scaliger, with Monk’s addition of ἔλαφον, and his further correction ὀρείαν ἠ.) heifer brought from some rocky cave, and staining with blood your human throat;
  2. though you were never reared among the piping and whistling of herdsmen, but at your mother’s side, to be decked as the bride of a son of Inachus. [*](From here to the end of the chorus is regarded by Paley as spurious.)Where now does the face of modesty
  3. or virtue have any strength?[*](Omitting the words δύνασιν ἔχει as a probable gloss on σθένει (MSS. σθένειν); so Paley and Weil.) seeing that godlessness holds sway, and virtue is neglected by men and thrust behind them,
  4. lawlessness over law prevailing, and mortals no[*](Paley follows Hermann in inserting μὴ to complete the metre.) longer making common cause to keep the jealousy of gods from reaching them.
  1. I have come from the tent to look out for my husband, who went away and left its shelter long ago;
  2. while my poor child, hearing of the death her father designs for her, is in tears, uttering in many keys her piteous lamentation. Catching sight of Agamamnon. It seems I was speaking of one not far away; for there is Agamemnon,
  3. who will soon be detected in the commission of a crime against his own child.
  1. Daughter of Leda, it is lucky I have found you outside the tent, to discuss with you in our daughter’s absence subjects not suited for the ears of maidens on the eve of marriage.
  1. What critical moment is it that you are seizing?
  1. Send the maiden out to join her father, for the lustral water stands there ready, and barley-meal to scatter with the hand on the cleansing flame, and heifers to be slain before the marriage, in honor of the goddess Artemis, their black blood spouting from them.
  1. Though the words you use are good, I do not know how I am to name your deeds in terms of praise.
  2. Come[*](Paley thinks ll.1117-23 were interpolated by way of making the entrance of Iphigenia with Orestes (cf. 1. 1241) appear less abrupt.) forth, my daughter; well you know what is in your father’s mind; take the child Orestes, your brother, and bring him with you in the folds of your robe.
  3. Behold! she comes, in obedience to your summons. I will speak the rest for her and for myself.
  1. My child, why do you weep and no longer look cheerfully? why are you fixing your eyes upon the ground and holding your robe before them?
  1. Ah! with which of my woes shall I begin?
  2. for I may treat them all as first, or put them last or midway, anywhere.[*](This line was rejected by Monk, whom most editors follow.)
  1. What is it? I find you all alike, confusion and alarm in every eye.
  1. My husband, answer frankly the questions I ask you.