History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

But before the oaths were taken, the Boeotarchs communicated these resolutions to the four councils of the Boeotians, which have the sole power of ratifying measures; and recommended to them that oaths should be exchanged with such cities as wished to league with them for mutual assistance.

However, the members of the Boeotian councils did not accede to the plan, fearing that they should do what was displeasing to the Lacedaemonians, if they leagued with the Corinthians, who had separated from them. For the Boeotarchs did not tell them of what had taken place at Lacedaemon, namely, that Cleobulus and Xenares, amongst the ephors, and their friends, advised them first to enter into alliance with the Argives and Corinthians, and then to join the Lacedaemonians; as they imagined, that though they should not mention it, the council would decree nothing different from what they had [*](σφίσι προδιαγνόντες παραινοῦσιν.] Arnold is followed by Poppo and Bloomfield in supposing that σφίσι refers to the subject of ψηφιεῖσθαι; but as his explanation does not, I think, remove the extreme harshness of such a construction, Göller seems to be right in referring it to the Boeotarchs: except that I would not confine it, as he does, to Xenares and Cleobulus, but extend it to the whole number of them; and suppose that it is either governed by προδιαγνόντες, meaning, the plan which they had already decided on for themselves, and now recommended to the councils; or that it signifies their countrymen; the executive being identified with the people at large, as it appears to be sec. 3. οἱ βοιωτάρχαι ... παρήνουν γενές βαι ὅρκους ταῖς πόλεσιν, ὅσαι βόυλονται ἐπ᾽ ὠφελέια σφίσι ξυνομνύναι. If the former construction is preferred, σφίσι may be considered as a datives commodi. See Jelf, Gr. Gr. 59. 8.) previously determined on, and now recommended to their country.

When the business had met with this check, the ambassadors from Corinth and Thrace departed without concluding any thing; while the Boeotarchs, who before intended, if they carried these measures, to attempt also to effect the alliance with the Argives, did not now bring the question of the Argives before the councils, or send to Argos the ambassadors they had promised; but there arose an indifference and procrastination in the whole business.

In the course of this same summer, the Olynthians assaulted and took Mecyberna, which was garrisoned by Athenians.