History of the Peloponnesian War


Thucydides. The history of the Peloponnesian War, Volume 1-2. Dale, Henry, translator. London: Heinemann and Henry G. Bohn, 1851-1852.

The Boeotian envoys were pleased at hearing this; for they happened to ask the same things as their friends in Lacedaemon had instructed them to propose. So when the men from Argos perceived that they listened to their suggestions, they said they would send ambassadors to the Boeotians, and went away.

The Boeotians, on their arrival, reported to the Boeotarchs what had been said to them, both at Lacedaemon, and by the Argives who had met them: and the Boeotarchs were pleased, and were much more eager in the business, since it had turned out so luckily for them in both quarters, that their friends amongst the Lacedaemonians requested the same things as the Argives were anxiously wishing.

Not long after, ambassadors came from Argos with the proposals that have been mentioned; whom the Boeotarchs sent back after assenting to their terms, and promising to send envoys to Argos on the question of the alliance.

In the mean time it was determined by the Boeotarchs, the Corinthians, the Megareans, and the ambassadors from Thrace, in the first place, to bind themselves by oaths to each other, that assuredly, when occasion offered, they would assist the party which needed it; and that they would carry on war with none, or make peace, without common assent; and that so the Boeotians and Megareans (for they had the same object before them) should then enter into treaty with the Argives.