Acta Philippi
Acta Philippi
Acts of Philip. The Apocryphal New Testament, being the Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Apocalypses. James, Montague Rhodes, translator. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924.
46 And when he arrived there was great stir: What shall we do, for his teaching will prevail --- he separates husbands and wives. Let us cast him out before he begins to preach and our wives are deceived.
47 There were Jews, too, who spoke against him; but a chief of them, Ireus, said: Do not use force; let us test his teaching.
48 Ireus was wealthy. He was a just man and desired quietly to foil their counsel. He went to Philip and greeted him. And Philip saw there was no guile in him, and promised him salvation, for having stood up for him.
49 Ireus was surprised at his knowing this. Philip exhorted him to faith and constancy.
50Ireus: Lodge at my house. Philip: First cleanse it. Ireus: How? Philip: Do no wrong, and leave thy wife. And he went home.