The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

For those, then, who were called before these days, did the Lord appoint repentance, for the Lord knows the heart, and knowing all things beforehand he knew the weakness of man and the subtlety of the devil, that he will do some evil to the servants of God, and will do them mischief.

The Lord, therefore, being merciful, had mercy on his creation, and established this repentance, and to me was the control of this repentance given.

But I tell you, said he, after that great and holy calling, if a man be tempted by the devil and sin, he has one repentance, but if he sin and repent repeatedly it is unprofitable for such a man, for scarcely shall he live.

I said to him, I attained life when I heard these things thus accurately from you, for I know that if I do not again add to my sins I shall be saved. You shall be saved, said he, and all who do these things.