The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

Now, therefore,

listen to me and be at peace among yourselves, and regard one another and help one another, and do not take a superabundant share of the creatures of God for yourselves, but give also a part to those who lack.

For some are contracting illness in the flesh by too much eating, and are injuring their flesh, and the flesh of the others who have nothing to eat is being injured by their not having sufficient food and their body is being destroyed.

So this lack of sharing is harmful to you who are rich, and do not share with the poor.

Consider the judgment which is coming. Let therefore they who have over-abundance seek out those who are hungry, so long as the tower is not yet finished; for when the tower has been finished you will wish to do good, and will have no opportunity.

See to it then, you who rejoice in your wealth, that the destitute may not groan, and their groans go up to the Lord, and you with your goods be shut outside the door of the tower.

Therefore I speak now to the leaders of the Church and to those who take the chief seats. Be not like the sorcerers, for sorcerers carry their charms in boxes, but you carry your charms and poison in your hearts.

You are hardened, and will not cleanse your hearts, and mix your wisdom together in a pure heart that you may find mercy by the great King.

See to it,

therefore, children, that these disagreements do not rob you of your life.

How will you correct the chosen of the Lord if you yourselves suffer no correction? Correct therefore one another and be at peace among yourselves, that I also may stand joyfully before the Father, and give an account of you all to the Lord.

When therefore she ceased speaking with me,[*](The departure of the ancient lady) the six young men who were building came and took her away to the tower, and four others took up the couch and bore it away also to the tower. I did not see their faces because they were turned away.