The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

How will it then be. Sir, said I, if these men, such as they are, repent and put away tne lusts of these women, and return to the maidens and walk in their power and in their deeds? Will they not enter into the house of God?

They will enter, said he, if they put away the works of these women, and take back the power of the maidens and walk in their deeds. For this cause also there was a pause in the building, in order that, if they repent, they may go away into the building of the tower. But if they do not repent then others will enter and they will be finally rejected.

I thanked the Lord for all these things, that he had mercy on all who call upon his name, and sent the angel of repentance to us who have sinned against him, and renewed our spirit, even when we were already corrupted, and restored our life, when we had no hope of living.

Now, Sir, said I, explain to me why the tower was not built on the ground but on the rock and on the gate. Are you still, said he, silly and foolish? I need, Sir, said I, to ask everything from you, because I am wholly without power of understanding anything. For all things great and glorious are also difficult for men to understand.