The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

After a few days I saw him in the same plain, where I had also seen the shepherds, and he said to

me: What more are you seeking? I have come[*](The reason for the continued punishment of the penitent) here. Sir, said I, in order that you may command the shepherd of punishment to depart from my house, because he afflicts me too much. You must be: afflicted, said he, For thus, said he, the glorious angel enjoined concerning you. For he wishes you to be tried. Yes, Sir, said I, but what have I done so wicked, that I should be handed over to this angel?

Listen, said he, your sins are many, but not so great as that you should be handed over to this angel; but your family has done great iniquity and sin, and the glorious angel has become enraged at their deeds, and for this reason he commanded you to be afflicted for some time, that they also may repent and purify themselves from every lust of this world. When, therefore, they repent, and have been purified, then the angel of punishment will depart from you.

I said to him: Sir, even if they have done such things that the glorious angel is enraged, what have I done? They cannot, said he, be punished in any other way, than if you, the head of the house, be afflicted. For when you are afflicted, they also will necessarily be afflicted, but while you prosper, they cannot suffer any affliction.

But see, Sir, said I, they have repented with all their heart. I know, said he, myself also, that they have repented with all their heart; do you then think that the sins of those who repent are immediately forgiven? By no means; but he who repents must torture his own soul, and be humble in all his deeds and be afflicted with many divers afflictions. And if

he endure the afflictions which come upon him he who created all things, and gave them power will have compassion in all ways upon him, and will give him some measure of healing;

and this in every case when he sees that the heart of the penitent is clean from every evil deed. But it is good for you and for your house, to suffer affliction now. But why do I say much to you? you must be afflicted, even as that angel of the Lord, who handed you over to me, ordained. And give the Lord thanks for this, because he deemed you worthy to show you the affliction beforehand, that in your foreknowledge you may endure it with strength.

I said to him: Sir, do you be with me, and I shall be able to endure every affliction. Yes, said he, I will be with you, and I will also ask the angel of punishment to afflict you more lightly. But you shall be afflicted a little time and you shall be restored again to your house. Only continue humble and serving the Lord with a pure heart, both your children and your household, and walk in my commandments which I give you, and your repentance shall be able to be strong and pure.