The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

Therefore, when the man who has the Divine Spirit comes into a meeting of righteous men who have the faith of the Divine Spirit, and intercession is made to God from the assembly of those men, then the angel of the prophetic spirit rests on him and fills the man, and the man, being filled with the Holy Spirit, speaks to the congregation as the Lord wills.

Thus, then, the Spirit of the Godhead will be plain. Such, then, is the power of the Lord concerning the Spirit of the Godhead.

Listen, now, said he, concerning the spirit which is earthly, and empty, and has no power, but is foolish..

In the first place, that man who seems to have a spirit exalts himself and wishes to have the first place, and he is instantly impudent and shameless and talkative, and lives in great luxury and in many other deceits, and accepts

rewards for his prophecy, and if he does not receive them he does not prophesy. Is it then possible for a Divine Spirit to accept rewards and prophesy? It is not possible for a prophet of God to do this, but the spirit of such prophets is of the earth.

Next, on no account does he come near to an assembly of righteous men, but shuns them. But he cleaves to the double-minded and empty, and prophesies to them in a corner, and deceives them by empty speech about everything according to their lusts, for he is also answering the empty. For an empty vessel which is put with others that are empty is not broken, but they match one another.

But when he comes into a meeting full of righteous men, who have a spirit of the Godhead, and intercession is made by them, that man is made empty, and the earthly spirit flees from him in fear, and that man is made dumb and is altogether broken up, being able to say nothing.

For if you stack wine or oil in a cellar, and put among them an empty jar, and again wish to unstack the cellar, the jar which you put in empty you will find still empty. So also the prophets who are empty, when they come to the spirits of just men, are found out to be such as when they came.

You have the life of both the prophets. Test, then, from his life and deeds, the man who says that he is inspired.

But believe yourself in the Spirit which comes from God and has power, but have no faith in the spirit which is from the earth and empty, because there is no power in it, for it comes from the devil.

Hear, then, the parable which I will tell you.

Take a stone and throw it up to Heaven and see if you can touch it; or take a syringe[*](The syringe or hand pump used for cleaning and watering the vines in the Italian vineyards.) and squirt it towards the sky, and see if you can make a hole in the Heavens.

How, sir, said I, can these things be? For both these things which you have spoken of are impossible. Even, said he, as these are impossible, so also are the earthly spirits without power and feeble.

Take now the power which comes from above. The hail is a very little grain, and when it falls on man’s head, how it hurts! Or, again, take a drop which falls on the ground from the roof, and makes a hole in stone.