The Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

Clemens Romanus (Clement of Rome)

Clement of Rome. The Apostolic Fathers, Volume 1. Lake, Kirsopp, editor. London: William Heinemann Ltd.; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912.

So also my people has had tumults and afflictions; afterwards it shall receive the good things.[*](The additional clause at the end of this quotation seems to show that it is not derived from I. Clement, but directly from the prophetic word, cf. note on p. 51.)

Therefore, my brethren, let us not be double-minded, but let us be patient in hope, that we may also receive the reward.

For he is faithful who promised to pay to each mall the recompense of his deeds.

If then we do righteousness before

God we shall enter into his kingdom, and shall receive the promises which ear hath not heard, nor hath eye seen, neither hath it entered into the heart of man.

Let us then wait for the kingdom of God, from[*](Interpretation of a Saying of the Lord) hour to hour, in love and righteousness, seeing that we know not the day of the appearing of God.

For when the Lord himself was asked by someone when his kingdom would come, he said: When the two shall be one, and the outside as the inside, and the male with the female neither male nor female.[*](The same saying, or very nearly so, is quoted from Cassianus by Clement of Alexandria (Strom. iii. 13), and the latter states that it is from the Gospel of the Egyptians. But the whole question has been complicated by the discovery of Grenfell and Hunt’s Lost Gospel (Oxyrhynchus papyri, vol. iv. pp. 22 ff.), which seems to refer to a similar saying, and the problem of the mutual relations between these documents is still unsolved.)

Now the two are one when we speak with one another in truth, and there is but one soul in two bodies without dissimulation.