The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

Clemens Romanus (Clement of Rome)

Clement of Rome. The Apostolic Fathers, Volume 1. Lake, Kirsopp, editor. London: William Heinemann Ltd.; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912.

Thou hast done these things and I kept silent; thou didst suppose, O wicked one, that I shall be like unto thee.

I will reprove thee and set thyself before thy face.[*](The Syriac reads Set thy sins before thy face. This is no doubt a guess, but it gives the meaning.)

Understand then these things, ye who forget God, lest he seize you as doth a lion, and there be none to deliver.

The sacrifice of praise shall glorify me, and therein is a way in which I will show to him the salvation of God.