

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

30 And he shall roar because of them, in that day, as the voice of a surging sea; and they shall look upon the earth, and behold, cruel darkness in their dismay.

VI. 1 And it came to pass, in the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated upon a throne, (that was) high and lifted up, and the house was full of his glory.

2 And seraphim stood around him; each one had six wings; and with twain they covered their face, and with twain they covered their feet, and with twain they did fly.

3 And they cried one to another and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts; all the earth is full of his glory.

4 And the lintel was lifted up, at the voice with which they cried, and the house was filled with smoke.

5 And I said, O wretched me, for I am amazed; for being (but) a man, and with impure lips, I dwell in the midst of a people with impure lips: and I have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts, with mine eyes.

6 And there was sent to me one of the seraphim, and in his hand he had a coal of fire, which he had taken with the tongs from the altar;

[*](27. A omits ‘...hunger ’ partly supported by 106.)[*](28. ‘hoofs’ is read in some texts (prob. introduced from Aq. Symm. or Theod.) for ‘feet.’)[*](29. ‘They rage (?) like ’ B: ‘they came up like a ’s whelps ’ B.)[*](2. Lit. ‘six wings to one, and six wings to one.’ ‘did fly,’ imperfect.)[*](3. ‘one cried to another’ B.)[*](5. Or, ‘sore smitten,’ ‘pricked’; or ‘silenced.’ Cf. Gen. xxxiv. 7 x. 3; Acts ii. 37.)[*](6. So A: most other MSS. omit ‘of fire.’)

7 And he touched my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and shall take away thy transgressions, and shall purify thy sins.

8 And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom am I to serial, and who will go to this people? And I said, Here am I; sen me.

9 And he said, Go, and say to this people, By hearing ye shall bear, and not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive.

10 For the heart of this people. is made fat, and with their ears they hear dully, and their eyes have they closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and pgidrirstand with their heart, and should return, when I will heal them.

11. And I said, Until when, Lord P And he said, Until cities be desolated, because they are not inhabited, and houses, because there are no men; and the land shall be left desolate.

12 And after this, God shall far remove men, and they that are left shall be multiplied upon the earth.

13 And still upon it is the tenth part, and again it shall be for plunder; as a terebinth, and as an oak, when it is torn from its place.

VII. 1 And it came to pass, in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, there went up Rezin the king of Aram and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, against Jerusalem to war against it, and they were not able to besiege it.

2 And it was reported to the house of David, saying, Aram

[*](8 fin. Pronoun ‘me’ not emphatic.)[*](10. Lit. ‘and I will heal...’ Ἰάσομαι is read by almost all MSS. here, and is best attested in the N. Τ. quotations of this verse.)[*](13. ‘is torn.’ So A: ‘falleth’ ℵBQ &c. ‘a holy seed’ &c., as Heb., is supplied from Theodotion by several cursive MSs., including most of those classed as ‘Lucianic.’)[*](2. Participle, ‘saying,’ nom. plural AQ &c., singular NB, gen. plur. 13 cursives, mostly Lucianic. ‘like as when’: B omits ‘when,’ Α places it before ‘like as,’ ungrammatically.)

hath made agreement with Ephraim; and his soul was distraught, and the soul of his people, like as when a tree in a forest is shaken with the wind.

3 And the Lord said unto Isaiah, Go forth to meet Ahaz, thou, and he that is left, Jashub thy son, at the pool of the upper road of the fuller's field;

4 And thou shalt say to him, Take heed, that thou be quiet and fear thou not, neither let thy soul be faint, at these two logs of smoking firehrands; for when the anger of my wrath is come, I will heal again.

5 And (as for) the son of Aram and the son of Remaliah, because they have counselled evil counsel concerning thee, saying, ἢ 6 We will go up against Judah, and let us talk with them, and turn them away to us, and we will make king over them the son of Tabeal: