

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

22 For behold, I have blotted out thy transgressions as a cloud, and thy sins as darkness; turn thou to me, and I will redeem thee.

23 Rejoice, ye heavens, for God hath had mercy upon Israel: sound the dumpet, ye foundations of the earth; shout, ye mountains, in joy, ye hills, and all the trees upon them; for the Lord hath had mercy on Jacob; and Israel shall be glorified.

24 Thus saith the Lord, that redeemeth thee, and formeth thee from the womb, I am the Lord, that accbmplish this; I alone stretched out the heaven, and established the earth.

25 Who else scattered the signs of ventriloquists, and divinations from the heart? turning wise men backward, and making foolish their counsel?

26. And establishing the words of his servants, and making true the counsel of his messengers? he that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited, and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built; and her desolate places shall arise:

27 That saith to the deep, Thou shalt be made desolate, and I will dry up thy rivers:

28 That biddeth Cyrus be wise, and saith, He shall perform all my desires; that saith Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built, and I will lay the foundation of my holy house.

[*](20. ‘Learn thou,’)[*](23. ‘hath redeemed (ransomed) Jacob,’)[*](24. ‘that accomplish all things,’)[*](25. ‘shall scatter,’)[*](26. ‘of his servant,’ ℵBQ. ‘cities of Idumaea,’ B . Cf. vii. 6.)

XLV. 1 Thus saith the Lord God to my anointed, Cyrus, on whose right hand <I have> taken hold, for nations to submit before him; and I will shatter the strength of kings, I will open doors before him, and cities shall not be shut

2 I will go before him, and will level mountains, will break down doors of brass, and will snap asunder bolts of iron

3 And I will give thee treasures of darkness, I will open to thee hidden (treasures) <unseen>, that thou mayest learn I am the Lord that call thy name, the God of Israel.

4 For my servant Jacob's sake, and Israel's whom I have chosen, I will call thee by thy name, and will receive thee; but thou knewest not me.

5 For I am the Lord God, and there is no other God beside me; and they knew me not.

6 That they from the rising of the sun, and they from the going down (thereof) may learn, that there is none beside me and that I am the Lord God, and there is none other,

7 I, that establish light, and make darkness, that make peace, and create evils: I am the Lord God that doeth all these things.

8 Let the heaven from above rejoice, and let the clouds shower down righteousness: let the earth bring forth and make mercy to spring up, and let righteousness spring up together. I am the Lord that created thee.

9 What better things have I set up, as clay of the potter? shall the plowman plow the earth? shall the clay say to the potter, What doest thou, for thou workest not, neither hast hands?

[*](1. Α reads, ‘thou hast taken hold...’)[*](2. ‘before thee,’)[*](3. ‘unseen’ omitted by A*: if it be read, ‘hidden’ may be taken with the first clause.)[*](5. ‘none other beside me.’)[*](5 fin. ‘thou knewest me not,’ ℵBQ. ‘I strengthened thee, and thou...’)[*](6. Omit ‘and that...’)[*](8. ‘let her (the earth) cause righteousness to spring ’ ℵQ: ‘let her (?) proclaim righteousness,’)[*](9. ‘plow the earth all the day,’)

10 He that saith to the father, What wilt thou beget? or to the mother, Where wilt thou travail ?

11 For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, that maketh the things to come; Ask ye me concerning my sons and concerning my daughters, and concerning the works of my hands give me a charge.

12 I made the earth, and man upon it; I with my hand established the heaven, I commanded all the stars.

13 I raised him up with righteousness, and all his ways (shall be) straight; he shall build my city, and shall turn the captivity of my people, not with ransom, nor with gifts, saith the Lord of hosts.