

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

27 Our fathers first, and their rulers transgressed against me?

28 And the rulers defiled my holy things; and I gave Jacob over to destroy (him) and Israel for a reproach.

[*](18. [not] omitted in A. Negative in all other Gk MSS. ‘Nolite (ergo) priora meminisse,’ Cyp. Test. i.)[*](20. ‘to give my chosen race,’)[*](22. Α has strictly ‘not’ for ‘nor.’)[*](23. ‘thy’ before ‘offering’ not expressed in ℵAQ c. Omit ‘nor serve in thy sacrifices,’)[*](24. ‘an offering for silver,’ B: ‘thou stoodest before me,’)[*](25. ‘transgressions for my sake, and thy sins, and will not,’ B. Theod.) ‘will not remember them,’)[*](27. ‘Your fathers,’ ℵBQ: ‘your rulers’)[*](28. A has ‘Jerusalem’ (ABBREV.) for ‘Israel.’)

XLIV. 1 But now hear, Jacob my servant, and Israel, whom I chose (out).

2 Thus said the Lord God who made thee, and he that formed thee from the womb, Thou shalt yet be helped: fear not, my servant Jacob, and my beloved Israel whom I chose (out);

3 For I will give water in thirst to them that walk in a waterless place; I will put my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessings upon thy children,

4 And they shall rise up as grass among water, and as a willow by the side of a flowing water.

5 This one shall say, I am God's, and this shall speak in the name of Jacob; and another writeth, I am God's; upon the name of Israel.

6 Thus saith God, the King of Israel, and his deliverer, God of Hosts; I am first, and I am hereafter; except me there is no God.

7 Who is as I am? let him stand, let him call, and make ready for me, since I made man for everlasting; and let them declare to you the coming things before they come.

8 Hide not yourselves; did ye not give ear from the beginning, and I declared it to you? ye are witnesses, whether there be a God beside me; and they were not, at that time.

9 They that mould images, and that grave, are all of them vain; they that make their own delights, which shall not help them; but they shall be ashamed,

10 All they that mould a god, and grave unprofitable things:

11 And all are withered from whence they sprang, and (are) dumb from among men; let them all be gathered together, and they shall stand together, let them be turned backward and be ashamed together.

[*](5. ‘cry aloud in the name of ’ ℵBQ. ‘shall write,’ ℵ0 BQ: ‘with his hand,’ B. ‘upon the name of Is. shall he also cry,’)[*](6. ‘Thus saith the King of Israel’)[*](7. ‘stand, and call, and declare, and make ready...’ B.)[*](8. ‘Hide not yourselves, neither go astray’)[*](8 fin. ‘heard not, at that time’)[*](9. ‘are all of them vain things,’ ℵ*B: ‘making,’)[*](10. ‘They that mould and grave a god are all of them unprof. things,’)[*](11. Omit ‘they shall’)

12 For the craftsman sharpeneth iron, with an adze he fashioneth it, and boreth it with a gimlet, worketh it with the arm of his strength; and he shall be hungry, and shall be faint, and not drink water:

13 The craftsman when he hath chosen a piece of wood, setteth it up by measure, and fitteth it together with glue; he maketh it like the form of a great man, and like the goodliness of man, to set it up in a house:

14 He cutteth wood out of the forest which the Lord planted, and the rain made it to grow,

15 That it may be for men for burning; and he taketh thereof, and is warmed; and they burn it, and bake loaves upon it; and the rest he maketh into gods, and they worship them.

16 Whereof he burneth half in the fire (and they burn them, and bake loaves upon them), and roasteth meat upon it, and eateth, and is filled: and when he is warmed, he saith, Sweet is it to me that I am warmed, and have seen fire.

17 But the rest of it he maketh a graven god, and worshippeth it, and prayeth to it, saying, Deliver me, for thou art my god.

18 They have not learnt to have understanding, for they are darkened, from seeing with their eyes, and understandingwith their heart.