

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

17 He that bringeth forth chariots, and horse, and a mighty throng; but they have lain down, and shall not arise, they are quenched as flax that is quenched:

[*](9. ‘approved’: or, ‘justified’: ‘let them hear, and let them speak truth.’ B: omit ‘let them hear,’ ℵ*Q.)[*](10. Omit ‘me’ after ‘believe,’ ℵBQ.)[*](12. ‘among us,’ B: ‘and I am the Lord God’ (om. ‘witness, saith saith’) ℵB. Cf. ver. 10.)[*](14 fin. So ℵcaA 26 106: ‘in ships’ ℵ*BQ: prob. should be ‘shall make entreaty in ships’ (δεηθήσονται, 305), see Field, 1859 edit., note ad loc.)[*](17. ‘He that (hath) brought forth,’ ℵBQ: ‘they shall lie down,’ B*)

18 Remember ye <not> the first things, and consider not things of old.

19 Behold, I do new things which shall now arise, and ye shall learn them: and I will make a path in the desert, and rivers in the waterless land:

20 The beasts of the field shall praise me, owls, and the daughters of ostriches; because I have given water in the desert, and rivers in the waterless land, I will give my chosen race to drink,

21 My people, whom I have preserved to set forth my excellences.

22 Not now have I called thee, Jacob, nor made thee weary, Israel:

23 No sheep have I of thy offering, nor didst thou glorify me in thy sacrifices, nor serve in thy sacrifices; nor have I wearied thee with frankincense,

24 Neither didst thou buy for me incense for silver, nor did I desire the fat of thy offerings; but in thy sins and in thine unrighteousness I stood before thee.

25 I am, I am he that blotteth out thy transgressions and will not remember thine unrighteousnesses.

26 But do thou remember, and let us be judged; tell thou first thy transgressions, that thou mayest be justified.

27 Our fathers first, and their rulers transgressed against me?

28 And the rulers defiled my holy things; and I gave Jacob over to destroy (him) and Israel for a reproach.

[*](18. [not] omitted in A. Negative in all other Gk MSS. ‘Nolite (ergo) priora meminisse,’ Cyp. Test. i.)[*](20. ‘to give my chosen race,’)[*](22. Α has strictly ‘not’ for ‘nor.’)[*](23. ‘thy’ before ‘offering’ not expressed in ℵAQ c. Omit ‘nor serve in thy sacrifices,’)[*](24. ‘an offering for silver,’ B: ‘thou stoodest before me,’)[*](25. ‘transgressions for my sake, and thy sins, and will not,’ B. Theod.) ‘will not remember them,’)[*](27. ‘Your fathers,’ ℵBQ: ‘your rulers’)[*](28. A has ‘Jerusalem’ (ABBREV.) for ‘Israel.’)

XLIV. 1 But now hear, Jacob my servant, and Israel, whom I chose (out).