

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

7 Moab shall wail; fOr in the land of Moab shall all wail; thou shalt take care for them that dwell in Deseth, and shalt not regard them.

8 The plains of Heshbon shall mourn, and the vine of Sibmah; swallowing up the nations, tread ye down her vines, unto Jazer; ye shall not reach, nor wander in the wilderness; they that were sent forth were forsaken; for they crossed over the desert.

9 Therefore will I weep as the weeping of Jazer, for the vine ’ of Sibmah; he cast down thy trees, Heshbon, and <Elealeh>; upon thy harvest and thy vintage will I tread, and all shall fall.

[*](2. ‘thou shalt be, daughter of M.,’)[*](3. Or, ‘for her continually.’ ‘be an exile’: or, ‘rule afar’: very (see Pind. Nem. IV. 76). The words appear to be divided so as to mean ‘no(??) from the ’: but B reads ‘be not ’ (away, or captive), which is prob. right. as it is a misunderstanding of the Hebrew. ’)[*](4. ‘A omits ‘with thee.’ Or, ‘The exiles of Moab shall sojourn with omit ‘for’ before ‘they,’ BNQ θc.: omit ‘misery is fulfilled,’ ℵBQ the earth. BQmg.)[*](6. ‘I have raised...’)[*](8 fin. ‘desert,’ ’sea,’ ℵcaB)[*](9. See on xv. 4: ‘for upon thy harvest,’ B. ‘yet upon’ θc.,)

10 And joy shall be removed, and exultation, from thy vineyards, and in thy vineyards shall they not rejoice; and they shall not tread wine into the vats, for it is ceased.

11 Therefore my belly shall sound as a harp upon Moab, and ’ mine inward-parts like a wall which thou didst newly build.

12 And it shall be, as to thy paying reverence, Moab is grown weary at the altars, she shall also enter in unto the works of hands so as to. pray, and shall not be able to deliver him.