

Aeschylus, Volume 2. Smyth, Herbert Weir, translator. London; New York: William Heinemann; G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1926.

  1. maddening them with a fury not of wine; and do not, as if taking the heart out of fighting cocks, plant in my people the spirit of tribal war and boldness against each other. Let their war be with foreign enemies, and without stint for one
  2. in whom there will be a terrible passion for glory; but I say there will be no battling of birds within the home. It is possible for you to choose such things from me: bestowing good, receiving good, well honored in this land that is most beloved to the gods.
  1. For me to suffer this, alas! For me, with ancient wisdom, to live beneath the earth, alas, without honor, unclean! I am breathing fury and utter rage. Oh, oh the shame of it!
  2. What anguish steals into my breast! Hear my anger, mother Night; for the deceptions of the gods, hard to fight, have deprived me of my ancient honors, bringing me to nothing.
  1. No, I will not grow tired of telling you about these good things, so you will never be able to say that you, an ancient goddess, were cast out, dishonored and banished, from this land by me, a younger goddess, and by the mortal guardians of my city.
  2. But if you give holy reverence to Persuasion, the sweetness and charm of my tongue, then you might remain. But if you are not willing to stay, then surely it would be unjust for you to inflict on this city any wrath or rage or harm to the people.
  3. For it is possible for you to have a share of the land justly, with full honors.
  1. Lady Athena, what place do you say I will have?
  1. One free from all pain and distress; accept it.
  1. Say that I have accepted it, what honor awaits me?
  1. That no house will flourish without you.
  1. Will you gain for me the possession of such power?
  1. Yes, for we will set straight the fortunes of those who worship.
  1. And will you give me a pledge for all time?
  1. Yes, for I have no need to say what I will not accomplish.
  1. It seems you will win me by your spells; I am letting go my anger.
  1. Then stay in the land and you will gain other friends.
  1. What blessings then do you advise me to invoke on this land?
  1. Blessings that aim at a victory not evil; blessings from the earth and from the waters of the sea
  2. and from the heavens: that the breathing gales of wind may approach the land in radiant sunshine, and that the fruit of the earth and offspring of grazing beasts, flourishing in overflow, may not fail my citizens in the course of time, and that the seed of mortals will be kept safe.