Dialogi meretricii

Lucian of Samosata

The Works of Lucian of Samosata, complete, with exceptions specified in thepreface, Vol. 4. Fowler, H. W. and Fowlere, F.G., translators. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1905.

Melitta Bacchis, don’t you know any of those old women—there are any number of them about, ‘Thessalians,’ they call them— they have incantations, you know, and they can make a man in love with you, no matter how much he hated you before?_ Do go and bring me one, there’s a dear! I’d give the clothes off my back, jewellery and all, to see Charinus here again, and to have him hate Simiche as he hates me at this moment.

Bacchis Melitta! You mean to tell me that Charinus has gone off after Simiche, and that after making his people so angry because he wouldn’t marry the heiress, all for your sake? She was to have brought him five talents, so they said. I have not forgotten what you told me about that.

Melitta Oh, that is all over now; I have not had a glimpse of him for the last five days. No; he and Simiche are with his friend Pammenes enjoying themselves.


Bacchis Poor darling! But it can’t have been a trifle that drove him away: what was it all about?

Melitta I don’t know exactly. All I can say is, that he came back the other day from Piraeus (his father had sent him there to collect some money), and wouldn’t even look at me! I ran to meet him, expecting him to take me in his arms, instead of which he pushed me away! ‘Go to Hermotimus the shipowner,’ he said; ‘go and read what is written on the column in the Ceramicus; you will find your name there, and his. ‘Hermotimus? column? what do you mean?’ said I. But he would tell me nothing more; he went to bed without any dinner, and-never gave me so much as a look. I tried everything: I lavished all my endearments on him, and did all I could to make him look at me. Nothing would soften him: all he said was, ‘If you keep on bothering, I shall go away this minute, I don’t care what time it is.’

Bacchis But you did know Hermotimus, I suppose?

Melitta My dear, if I ever so much as heard of a Hermotimus who was a ship-owner, may I be more wretched than I am now! —Next morning, at cock-crow, Charinus got up, and went off. I remembered his saying something about my name being written up in the Ceramicus, so I sent Acis to have a look; and all she found was just this, chalked up close by the Dipylus, on the right as you come in: Melitta loves Hermotimus; and again a little lower down: Hermotimus the ship-owner loves Melitta.

Bacchis Ah, mischievous boys! I see what it is! Some one must have written it up to tease Charinus, knowing how jealous he is. And he took it all in at once! I must speak to him if I see him anywhere. He is a mere child, quite unsophisticated.

Melitta If you see him, yes: but you are not likely to. He has shut himself up with Simiche; his people have been asking for

him, they think he is here still. No, Bacchis, I want one of those old women; she would put all to rights.