

Pindar. Arnson Svarlien, Diane, translator. Created for the Perseus Project, 1990.

  1. who was twice an Olympic victor in the war-enduring armor of Ares;
  2. and the contest in the deep meadow that stretches beneath the rock of Cirrha made Phricias victorious in the race. May a good fate follow them in their future days as well, so that their noble wealth will blossom;
  3. having received no small share of the delights of Greece, may they encounter no envious reversals at the hands of the gods. A god«s heart should be free from pain; but a man is considered fortunate, and wise poets sing his praises, if he wins victory with his hands or the excellence of his feet, and takes the greatest prizes through his courage and strength,
  4. and lives to see his young son duly winning Pythian garlands. He can never set foot in the bronze heavens; but whatever splendor we mortals can attain, he reaches the limit of that voyage. Neither by ship nor on foot could you find
  5. the marvellous road to the meeting-place of the Hyperboreans—
  6. Once Perseus, the leader of his people, entered their homes and feasted among them, when he found them sacrificing glorious hecatombs of donkeys to the god. In the festivities of those people
  7. and in their praises Apollo rejoices most, and he laughs when he sees the erect arrogance of the beasts.
  8. The Muse is not absent from their customs; all around swirl the dances of girls, the lyre«s loud chords and the cries of flutes.
  9. They wreathe their hair with golden laurel branches and revel joyfully. No sickness or ruinous old age is mixed into that sacred race; without toil or battles
  10. they live without fear of strict Nemesis. Breathing boldness of spirit
  11. once the son of Danae went to that gathering of blessed men, and Athena led him there. He killed the Gorgon, and came back bringing stony death to the islanders, the head that shimmered with hair made of serpents. To me
  12. nothing that the gods accomplish ever appears
  13. unbelievable, however miraculous. Hold the oar! Quick, let the anchor down from the prow to touch the bottom, to protect us from the rocky reef. The choicest hymn of praise flits from theme to theme, like a bee.