

Xenophon, creator; Xenophon in Seven Volumes Vol 5-6; Miller, Walter, 1864-1949, editor, translator

Tell me, then, said Cyaxares, do you not consider the Persian force small which you say you are bringing? Yes said Cyrus; but we will consider later[*](Their method of warfare) whether we need more men or not. Now tell me, he went on, what each party’s method of fighting is.About the same with all, said Cyaxares; for there are bowmen and spearmen both on their side and on ours.Well then, said Cyrus, as their arms are of that sort, we must fight at long range.

Yes said Cyaxares, that will be necessary. In that case, then, the victory will be with the side that has the greater numbers; for the few would be wounded and killed off by the many sooner than the many by the few. If that is so, Cyrus, then what better plan could any one think of than to send to Persia to inform them that if anything happens to the Medes, the danger will extend to the Persians, and at the same time to ask for a larger army? Why said Cyrus, let me assure you that even though all the Persians were to come, we should not surpass the enemy in point of numbers.

What better plan do you see than this?If I were you, said Cyrus, I should as quickly[*](Proposed reorganization of the Persian commoners) as possible have armour made for all the Persians who are coming here just like that of the so-called peers who are coming from our country—that is, a corselet to wear about the breast, a small shield upon the left arm, and a scimitar or sabre in the right hand. And if you provide these weapons, you will make it the safest procedure for us to fight at close quarters with the enemy, while for the enemy flight will prove preferable to standing their ground. And it is for us, he continued, to range ourselves against those who hold their ground, while those of them who run away we propose to leave to you and the cavalry, that they may have no chance to stand their ground or to turn back.

Thus Cyrus spoke. And to Cyaxares it seemed that he spoke to the point; and he no longer talked of sending for reinforcements, but he set about procuring the arms as suggested. And they were almost ready when the Persian peers came with the army from Persia.

Thereupon Cyrus is said to have called the[*](Cyrus announces to the peers the proposed change) peers together and said: My friends: When I saw you thus equipped and ready in heart to grapple with the enemy in a hand-to-hand encounter, and when I observed that those Persians who follow you are so armed as to do their fighting standing as far off as possible, I was afraid lest, few in number and unaccompanied by others to support you, you might fall in with a large division of the enemy and come to some harm. Now then, said he, you have brought with you men blameless in bodily strength; and they are to have arms like ours; but to steel their hearts is our task; for it is not the whole duty of an officer to show himself valiant, but he must also take care that his men be as valiant as possible.

Thus he spoke. And they were all delighted, for they thought they were going into battle with more to support them. And one of them also spoke as follows: