

Xenophon in Seven Volumes Vol 4; Marchant, E. C. (Edgar Cardew), 1864-1960, translator; Marchant, E. C. (Edgar Cardew), 1864-1960, editor

But, said Socrates, did he teach you only the disposition of an army, or did he include where and how to use each formation?Not at all.And yet there are many situations that call for a modification of tactics and strategy.I assure you he didn’t explain that.Then pray go back and ask him. If he knows and has a conscience, he will be ashamed to send you home ill-taught, after taking your money.

One day when he met a man who had been chosen general, he asked him,[*](Cyropaedia VIII. xi. 14.)For what reason, think you, is Agamemnon dubbed Shepherd of the people by Homer?[*](Hom. Il. 2.243) Is it because a shepherd must see that his sheep are safe and are fed, and that the object for which they are kept is attained, and a general must see that his men are safe and are fed, and that the object for which they fight is attained, or, in other words, that victory over the enemy may add to their happiness?

Or what reason can Homer have for praising Agamemnon as

  1. both a good king and a doughty warrior too’?
  2. [*](Hom. Il. 3.179)
Is it that he would be a doughty warrior too not if he alone were a good fighter, but if he made all his men like himself; and a good king not if he merely ordered his own life aright, but if he made his subjects happy as well?

Because a king is chosen, not to take good care of himself, but for the good of those who have chosen him;[*](Cyropaedia I.6.8.) and all men fight in order that they may get the best life possible, and choose generals to guide them to it.

Therefore it is the duty of a commander to contrive this for those who have chosen him for general. For anything more honourable than that is not easy to find, or anything more disgraceful than its opposite.By these reflections on what constitutes a good leader he stripped away all other virtues, and left just the power to make his followers happy.

Again, when someone had been chosen a leader of cavalry, I remember that Socrates conversed with him in the following manner:Young man, he said, can you tell us why you hankered after a cavalry command? I presume it was not to be first of the cavalry in the charge; for that privilege belongs to the mounted archers; at any rate they ride ahead of their commanders even.True.Nor was it to get yourself known either. Even madmen are known to everyone.True again.

But perhaps you think you can hand over the cavalry in better condition to the state when you retire, and can do something for the good of the state as a cavalry leader, in case there is any occasion to employ that arm?Yes, certainly, said he.Yes, said Socrates, and no doubt it is a fine thing if you can do that. The command, I presume, for which you have been chosen, is the command of horses and riders.Indeed it is.

Come then, tell us first how you propose to improve the horses.Oh, but I don’t think that is my business. Every man must look after his own horse.