

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Hearing that, the Spartans at first were angry and completely abandoned their request; but when the dreadful menace of this Persian host hung over them, they consented and granted his demand. When he saw their purpose changed, he said that he would not be content with that alone; his brother Hegias too must be made a Spartan on the same terms as himself.

By so saying he imitated Melampus, in so far as one may compare demands for kingship with those for citizenship. For when the women of Argos [22.7333,37.6417] (Perseus) Argos had gone mad, and the Argives wanted him to come from Pylos [21.7083,36.9167] (Perseus) Pylos and heal them of that madness,[*](According to the legend, the Argive women were driven mad by Dionysus for refusing to take part in his orgies, and cured by Melampus. Many Greek authors refer to it, with varying details.) Melampus demanded half of their kingship for his wages.