

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Moreover, there was the additional coincidence, that there were precincts of Eleusinian Demeter on both battlefields; for at Plataea [23.2667,38.2] (Perseus) Plataea the fight was near the temple of Demeter, as I have already said, and so it was to be at Mykale [26.8667,38.1] (Perseus)Mykale also.

It happened that the rumor of a victory won by the Greeks with Pausanias was true, for the defeat at Plataea [23.2667,38.2] (Perseus) Plataea happened while it was yet early in the day, and the defeat of Mykale [26.8667,38.1] (Perseus)Mykale in the afternoon. That the two fell on the same day of the same month was proven to the Greeks when they examined the matter not long afterwards.