

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

So he brought his oracles to bear, while the Pisistratidae and Aleuadae gave their opinions.

After being persuaded to send an expedition against Greece [22,39] (nation), EuropeHellas, Xerxes first marched against the rebels in the year after Darius death. He subdued them and laid Egypt [30,27] (nation), Africa Egypt under a much harder slavery than in the time of Darius, and he handed it over to Achaemenes, his own brother and Darius' son. While governing Egypt [30,27] (nation), Africa Egypt, this Achaemenes was at a later time[*](In 460; cp. Hdt. 3.15.) slain by a Libyan, Inaros son of Psammetichus.

After the conquest of Egypt [30,27] (nation), Africa Egypt, intending now to take in hand the expedition against Athens [23.7333,37.9667] (Perseus)Athens, Xerxes held a special assembly of the noblest among the Persians, so he could learn their opinions and declare his will before them all. When they were assembled, Xerxes spoke to them as follows:

“Men of Iran [53,32] (nation), AsiaPersia, I am not bringing in and establishing a new custom, but following one that I have inherited. As I learn from our elders, we have never yet remained at peace ever since Cyrus deposed Astyages and we won this sovereignty from the Medes. It is the will of heaven; and we ourselves win advantage by our many enterprises. No one needs to tell you, who already know them well, which nations Cyrus and Cambyses and Darius my father subdued and added to our realm.