

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

In this way Xerxes rode out from Sardis [28.0167,38.475] (Perseus) Sardis; but whenever the thought took him he would alight from the chariot into a carriage. Behind him came a thousand spearmen of the best and noblest blood of Iran [53,32] (nation), AsiaPersia, carrying their spears in the customary manner; after them a thousand picked Persian horsemen, and after the horse ten thousand that were foot soldiers, chosen out of the rest of the Persians.

One thousand of these had golden pomegranates on their spear-shafts instead of a spike, and surrounded the rest; the nine thousand who were inside them had silver pomegranates. Those who held their spears reversed also carried golden pomegranates, and those following nearest to Xerxes had apples of gold. After the ten thousand came ten thousand Persian horsemen in array. After these there was a space of two stadia, and then the rest of the multitude followed all mixed together.

From Lydia [27.516,38.683] (region (general)), Turkey, Asia Lydia the army took its course to the river Bakir Cayi [27,38.916] (river), Turkey, AsiaCaicus and the land of +Mysia (region (general)), Turkey, Asia Mysia; leaving the Bakir Cayi [27,38.916] (river), Turkey, AsiaCaicus, they went through +Atarneus [26.95,39.05] (Perseus) Atarneus to the city of Carene, keeping the mountain of Khalkodonion (mountains), Nomos Larisis, Thessaly, Greece, EuropeCane [*](Modern Khalkodonion (mountains), Nomos Larisis, Thessaly, Greece, EuropeKara Dagh.) on the left. From there they journeyed over the plain of Thebe, passing the city of Adramytteum and the Pelasgian city of Antandrus.

Then they came into the territory of Troy [26.25,39.95] (deserted settlement), Canakkale, Marmara, Turkey, AsiaIlium, with Ida on their left. When they had halted for the night at the foot of Ida, a storm of thunder and lightning fell upon them, killing a great crowd of them there.

When the army had come to the river Scamander, which was the first river after the beginning of their march from Sardis [28.0167,38.475] (Perseus) Sardis that fell short of their needs and was not sufficient for the army and the cattle to drink—arriving at this river, Xerxes ascended to the citadel of Priam, having a desire to see it.