

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Leonidas took pains to bring only the Thebans among the Hellenes, because they were accused of medizing; he summoned them to the war wishing to know whether they would send their men with him or openly refuse the Hellenic alliance. They sent the men but intended something quite different

The Spartans sent the men with Leonidas on ahead so that the rest of the allies would see them and march, instead of medizing like the others if they learned that the Spartans were delaying. At present the Carneia [*](The national festival in honor of Apollo, held in September.) was in their way, but once they had completed the festival, they intended to leave a garrison at Sparta [22.4417,37.0667] (Perseus) Sparta and march out in full force with all speed.

The rest of the allies planned to do likewise, for the Olympiad coincided with these events. They accordingly sent their advance guard, not expecting the war at +Thermopylae [22.5583,38.8] (Perseus) Thermopylae to be decided so quickly.

This is what they intended, but the Hellenes at +Thermopylae [22.5583,38.8] (Perseus) Thermopylae, when the Persians drew near the pass, fearfully took counsel whether to depart. The rest of the Peloponnesians were for returning to the +Peloponnese [22,37.5] (region), Greece, Europe Peloponnese and guarding the isthmus, but the Phocians and Locrians were greatly angered by this counsel. Leonidas voted to remain where they were and send messengers to the cities bidding them to send help, since they were too few to ward off the army of the Medes.