

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

The Hellenes who awaited the Persians in that place were these: three hundred Spartan armed men; one thousand from Tegea [22.4,37.5] (Perseus) Tegea and +Mantinea [22.3833,37.6167] (Perseus) Mantinea, half from each place; one hundred and twenty from Kalpali [22.3,37.716] (inhabited place), Arcadia, Peloponnese, Greece, Europe Orchomenus in +Arcadia [22.25,37.583] (department), Peloponnese, Greece, Europe Arcadia and one thousand from the rest of +Arcadia [22.25,37.583] (department), Peloponnese, Greece, Europe Arcadia; that many Arcadians, four hundred from Corinth [22.9083,37.9083] (Perseus) Corinth, two hundred from Phlius, and eighty Mycenaeans. These were the Peloponnesians present; from Boeotia (department), Central Greece and Euboea, Greece, Europe Boeotia there were seven hundred Thespians and four hundred Thebans.

In addition, the Opuntian Locrians in full force and one thousand Phocians came at the summons. The Hellenes had called upon them through messengers who told them that this was only the advance guard, that the rest of the allies were expected any day now, and that the sea was being watched, with the Athenians and Aeginetans and all those enrolled in the fleet on guard. There was nothing for them to be afraid of.

The invader of Greece [22,39] (nation), EuropeHellas was not a god but a human being, and there was not, and never would be, any mortal on whom some amount of evil was not bestowed at birth, with the greatest men receiving the largest share. The one marching against them was certain to fall from pride, since he was a mortal. When they heard this, the Locrians and Phocians marched to +Trachis [22.55,38.8] (Perseus) Trachis to help.

Each city had its own general, but the one most admired and the leader of the whole army was a Lacedaemonian, Leonidas, son of Anaxandrides, son of Leon, son of Eurycratides, son of Anaxandrus, son of Eurycrates, son of Polydorus, son of Alcamenes, son of Teleclus, son of Archelaus, son of Hegesilaus, son of Doryssus, son of Leobotes, son of Echestratus, son of Agis, son of Eurysthenes, son of Aristodemus, son of Aristomachus, son of Cleodaeus, son of Hyllus, son of Heracles. Leonidas had gained the kingship at Sparta [22.4417,37.0667] (Perseus) Sparta unexpectedly.

Since he had two older brothers, Cleomenes and Dorieus, he had renounced all thought of the kingship. Cleomenes, however, died without male offspring, and Dorieus, who had met his end in Sicily [14,37.5] (region), Italy, Europe Sicily, was also no longer alive. The succession therefore fell to Leonidas since he was older than Anaxandrides' youngest son Cleombrotus and had married Cleomenes' daughter.