

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

Since there is much talk about your justice throughout all the rest of Greece [22,39] (nation), EuropeHellas, and even in Ionia (region (general)), Europe Ionia, I considered the fact that Ionia (region (general)), Europe Ionia is always in danger while the +Peloponnese [22,37.5] (region), Greece, Europe Peloponnese is securely established, and nowhere in Ionia (region (general)), Europe Ionia are the same men seen continuing in possession of wealth.

Considering and taking counsel concerning these matters, I resolved to turn half of my property into silver and deposit it with you, being well assured that it will lie safe for me in your keeping. Accept the money for me, and take and keep these tokens; restore the money to whoever comes with the same tokens and demands it back.’

Thus spoke the stranger who had come from Miletus [27.3,37.5] (Perseus) Miletus, and Glaucus received the trust according to the agreement. After a long time had passed, the sons of the man who had deposited the money came to Sparta [22.4417,37.0667] (Perseus) Sparta; they spoke with Glaucus, showing him the tokens and demanding the money back.

But Glaucus put them off and answered in turn: ‘I do not remember the matter, and nothing of what you say carries my mind back. Let me think; I wish to do all that is just. If I took the money, I will duly restore it; if I never took it at all, I will deal with you according to the customs of the Greeks. I will put off making my decision for you until the fourth month from this day.’