

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

At each new moon and each seventh day of the first part of the month, a full-grown victim for Apollo's temple, a bushel of barley-meal, and a Laconian quart[*](The content of a “Laconian teta/rth“ is uncertain; for the date, see How and Wells ad loc.) of wine are given to each from the public store, and chief seats are set apart for them at the games.

It is their right to appoint whatever citizens they wish to be protectors of foreigners;[*](Usually, the pro/cenos is a citizen who out of friendship for a particular state undertakes the protection of its nationals in his city; e.g. Miltiades at Athens [23.7333,37.9667] (Perseus)Athens is the pro/cenos of Sparta [22.4417,37.0667] (Perseus) Sparta. But here he is apparently an official appointed to watch over the interests of all foreign residents.) and they each choose two Pythians. (The Pythians are the ambassadors to Delphi [22.5167,38.4917] (Perseus) Delphi and eat with the kings at the public expense.) If the kings do not come to the public dinner, two choenixes of barley-meal and half a pint of wine are sent to their houses, but when they come, they receive a double share of everything; and the same honor shall be theirs when they are invited by private citizens to dinner.