

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

In their journey a thing happened to them such as I will show. As they voyaged to Sicily [14,37.5] (region), Italy, Europe Sicily, the Samians came to the country of the Epizephyrian [*](“The epithet distinguishes the Italiot colony from the Locrians of the mother country” (How and Wells).) Locrians at a time when the people of Zancle [15.5667,38.1833] (Perseus) Zancle and their king (whose name was Scythes) were besieging a Sicilian town desiring to take it.

Learning this, Anaxilaus the tyrant of Reggio di Calabria [15.65,38.1] (inhabited place), Reggio di Calabria, Calabria, Italy, Europe Rhegium, being then in a feud with the Zanclaeans, joined forces with the Samians and persuaded them to leave off their voyage to the Fair Coast and seize Zancle [15.5667,38.1833] (Perseus) Zancle while it was deserted by its men.

The Samians consented and seized Zancle [15.5667,38.1833] (Perseus) Zancle; when they learned that their city was taken, the Zanclaeans came to deliver it, calling to their aid Hippocrates the tyrant of Gela [14.25,37.0667] (Perseus)Gela, who was their ally.

But Hippocrates, when he came bringing his army to aid them, put Scythes the monarch of Zancle [15.5667,38.1833] (Perseus) Zancle and his brother Pythogenes in chains for losing the city, and sent them away to the city of Inyx. He betrayed the rest of the Zanclaeans to the Samians, with whom he had made an agreement and exchanged oaths.

The price which the Samians agreed to give him was that Hippocrates should take for his share half of the movable goods and slaves in the city, and all that was in the country.

Most of the Zanclaeans were kept in chains as slaves by Hippocrates himself; he gave three hundred chief men to the Samians to be put to death, but the Samians did not do so.