

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

All this now came upon the Milesians, since most of their men were slain by the Persians, who wore long hair, and their women and children were accounted as slaves, and the temple at Didyma [27.25,37.3667] (Perseus) Didyma with its shrine and place of divination was plundered and burnt. Of the wealth that was in this temple I have often spoken elsewhere in my history.

After that, the captive Milesians were brought to Shush [48.333,32.2] (inhabited place), Khuzestan, Iran, AsiaSusa. King Darius did them no further harm, settling them by the sea called Red, in the city of Ampe, by which the river Tigris [47.416,31] (river), AsiaTigris flows as it issues into the sea. Of the Milesian land the Persians themselves held what was nearest to the city, and the plain, giving the hill country into the possession of Carians from Pedasa [27.3833,37.0333] (Perseus) Pedasa.