

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

They entered the city and plundered and burnt the temples, in revenge for the temples that were burnt at Sardis [28.0167,38.475] (Perseus) Sardis; moreover, they enslaved the townspeople, according to Darius' command.

After subduing +Eretria [23.8083,38.3917] (Perseus) Eretria, the Persians waited a few days and then sailed away to the land of Attica [23.5,38.83] (department), Central Greece and Euboea, Greece, Europe Attica, pressing ahead in expectation of doing to the Athenians exactly what they had done to the Eretrians. Marathon[*](For a detailed discussion of various questions connected with the battle of Marathon, readers are referred to How and Wells, Appendix XVIII.) was the place in Attica [23.5,38.83] (department), Central Greece and Euboea, Greece, Europe Attica most suitable for riding horses and closest to +Eretria [23.8083,38.3917] (Perseus) Eretria, so Hippias son of Pisistratus led them there.