

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

This was the end of Aristagoras, after he had brought about the Ionian revolt. Histiaeus, the tyrant of Miletus [27.3,37.5] (Perseus) Miletus, arrived in Sardis [28.0167,38.475] (Perseus) Sardis after he was let go by Darius. When he came there from Shush [48.333,32.2] (inhabited place), Khuzestan, Iran, AsiaSusa, Artaphrenes, the governor of Sardis [28.0167,38.475] (Perseus) Sardis, asked him for what reason he supposed the Ionians had rebelled; Histiaeus said that he did not know and marvelled at what had happened, pretending to have no knowledge of the present troubles.