

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

So those of the Paeonians who had been captured were taken into Asia (continent)Asia. Then Megabazus, having made the Paeonians captive, sent as messengers into Macedonia (region (general)), EuropeMacedonia [*](i.e. the country as extended by Alexander I east of the +Vardar [22.833,40.583] (river), Europe Axius to the Strymon.) the seven Persians who (after himself) were the most honorable in his army. These were sent to Amyntas to demand earth and water for Darius the king.

Now there is a very straight way from the Prasiad lake to Macedonia (region (general)), EuropeMacedonia. First there is near the lake that mine from which Alexander later drew a daily revenue of a talent of silver, and when a person has passed the mine, he need only cross the mountain called Dysorum [*](Apparently not far from the lower Strymon.) to be in Macedonia (region (general)), EuropeMacedonia.

The Persians who had been sent as envoys came to Amyntas and demanded earth and water for Darius the king. He readily gave to them what they asked and invited them to be his guests, preparing a dinner of great splendor and receiving them hospitably.