

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

This is how he met his end, and Artaphrenes, viceroy of Sardis [28.0167,38.475] (Perseus) Sardis, and Otanes, the third general, were appointed to lead the army against Ionia (region (general)), Europe Ionia and the Aeolian territory on its borders. They took Klazomenai [26.7833,38.3167] (Perseus)Clazomenae in Ionia (region (general)), Europe Ionia, and Kyme [24.1167,38.6333] (Perseus)Cyme in +Aeolis (region (general)), Turkey, Asia Aeolia.

Aristagoras the Milesian, as he clearly demonstrated, was a man of little courage, for after he had disturbed Ionia (region (general)), Europe Ionia and thrown all into utter confusion, he, perceiving what he had done, began to deliberate flight. Moreover, it seemed to him to be impossible to overcome Darius.

While the cities were being taken, he accordingly called his fellow-rebels together and took counsel with them, saying that it was best for them to have some place of refuge in case they should be thrown out of Miletus [27.3,37.5] (Perseus) Miletus. He also asked them whether he should lead them from there to a settlement in Sardo, or Myrcinus in Edonia, which Histiaeus had received as a gift from Darius and fortified.