

Herodotus. Godley, Alfred Denis, translator. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1920-1925 (printing).

and the Propontis is five hundred stades wide and one thousand four hundred long; its outlet is the Canakkale Bogazi (strait), Canakkale, Marmara, Turkey, Asia Hellespont, which is no wider than seven stades and four hundred long. The Canakkale Bogazi (strait), Canakkale, Marmara, Turkey, Asia Hellespont empties into a gulf of the sea which we call +Aegean Sea [25,38.5] (sea) Aegean.

These measurements have been made in this way: a ship will generally accomplish seventy thousand orguiae [*](The Greek o)rguia/ was the length of the outstretched arms, about six feet.) in a long day's voyage, and sixty thousand by night.

This being granted, seeing that from the +Black Sea [38,42] (sea) Pontus' mouth to the +Poti [41.683,42.183] (inhabited place), regions under republican jurisdiction, Georgia, Asia Phasis (which is the greatest length of the sea) it is a voyage of nine days and eight nights, the length of it will be one million one hundred and ten thousand orguiai, which make eleven thousand stades.